Whale Watching & Photography In Sitka Alaska

Humpback Whales

Humpback whales - The fan favorite. These amazing animals come in at 50 feet long weighing up to 35 tons! They can be seen year round in Sitka. However, starting in March many whales make their way to Sitka following the Herring - A small silvery fish that whales love to eat! During this time Humpbacks can be seen “bubble net feeding” This is perhaps the most spectacular sight to see. The following months are great times to witness Humpbacks as well. But the “bubble net feeding” slows down in April. So be sure to think about that when booking a trip!

Humpback whale feeding

Gray Whales

In April Gray whales start migrating into Sitka Sound in great numbers. These whales are slightly smaller than Humpbacks, about 45 feet long compared to 50 foot of the Humpback.

Gray whales can commonly be found near shore, sometime in as little as 20 feet of water! They scrape their head along the bottom of the ocean floor, scooping up sediment containing small crustaceans. Gray whales like to get up close and personal! We have had several whales come right up to the boat and say hello.

Orcas in Sitka Alaska / Killer whale

Killer Whales (Orcas)

Killer Whales are a little less common in Sitka, as they don’t tend to stick around very long. They're always on move (or on the hunt rather)

Smaller than both Humpback and Gray whales, coming in at about 27 feet long weighing up to 13,000 pounds. Killer whales are “opportunistic feeders” and will hunt down about any food source around them. from salmon on up to Steller sealions.